Demineralization station, Mondi Štětí, Czech Republic
Client: Mondi Štětí, a. s.
Equipment and performance: Demineralization station, 3 x 250 m3/h...

Tp Plzeň - Waste water treatment plant (dredging station)
Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s., Plzeň
Equipment and performance: Waste water treatment plant (dredging station) / separating tank / chemical dosing station...

Tp Plzeň - Backwash WTP
Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s., Plzeň
Equipment and performance: Backwash WTP - 250 m3/h

SIGMA - Treatment of ZPO scale water
Client: SIGMA DIZ, s.r.o., Lutín / Final client: U.S. Steel Serbia d.o.o.
Equipment and performance: Treatment of ZPO scale water / flotation - 2000 m3/h / chemical dosing station...

ELE - Water system reconstruction
Client: ČEZ, a.s, Praha - Elektrárna Ledvice
Equipment and performance: Water system reconstruction / renovation of tanks / pumping station / pipe systems reconstruction
SIGMA - Mittal Steel - Scale thickening
Client: SIGMA DIZ, s.r.o., Lutín / Final client: Mittal Steel Ostrava , a.s.
Equipment and performance: Scale thickening, 50 m3

Mittal Steel - WWTP Ostravice
Client: Mittal Steel Ostrava , a.s.
Equipment and performance: WWTP Ostravice / reconstruction of closing slide / reconstruction - dosing Ca (OH)2,Fe2(SO4)3...
ČEZ - ETI - Waste water recycling for mixing with fly-ash
Client: ČEZ, a.s. Elektrárna Tisová
Equipment and performance: Waste water recycling for mixing with fly-ash...

BOHEMIAPLAN - Coal mine water treatment plant – Březno
Client: BOHEMIAPLAN, s.r.o., Plzeň / Final client: Severočeské doly a.s.
Equipment and performance: Coal mine water treatment plant – Březno / - capacity extension of PS 04 - filtration, 288 m3/h
KALORA - ČEZ - ETU - Sludge extraction and utilization of waste water
Client: KALORA, a.s. / Final client: ČEZ, a.s., Elektrárna Tušimice
Equipment and performance: Sludge extraction and utilization of waste water for PS 4.16 / mixing centre adjustment work, 150 m3/h