SMP - Reconstruction of Drinking water supply system – ISPA Hradiště
Client: SMP CONSTRUCTION, a.s. / Final client: Severočeská vodárenská společnost a.s.
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of Drinking water supply system – ISPA Hradiště, 4 050 m3/h (1 125 l/s)...
Tp Plzeň - Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. – potable water plant technological part
Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s., Plzeň
Equipment and performance: Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. – potable water plant technological part, 200 m3/h...
SKANSKA - Drinking water for Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s.
Client: SKANSKA CZ, a.s. / Final client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Drinking water for Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. – civil part
WTP Mariánské Lázně - operational instructions
Client: CHEVAK Cheb, a.s., Úpravna vody Mariánské Lázně
Equipment and performance: Water treatment plant – operational instructions
Úpravna vody Mariánské Lázně - Reconstruction of chemical dosing station
Client: CHEVAK Cheb, a.s., Úpravna vody Mariánské Lázně
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of chemical dosing station, 430 m3/h...
Drinking WTP Mariánské Lázně - Potable water recarbonisation
Client: CHEVAK Cheb, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Potable water recarbonisation, 288 m3/h / Dosage of CO2, (16 kg/h CO2)
Chevak - Drinking WTP Nebanice
Client: CHEVAK Cheb, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Potable water aeration system, 860 m3/h / Double-layer filtration, 860 m3/h...
Mlékárna Nedakonice - Aeration tower
Client: Mlékárna Nedakonice, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Aeration tower, 3 m3/h
Městský úřad Bystřice u Benešova - Potable water treatment plant
Client: Městský úřad Bystřice u Benešova
Equipment and performance: Potable water treatment plant / radon removal, 29 m3/h /denitrification, 29 m3/h