
SCP Ružomberok - Condensate treatment plants

Client: SCP Ružomberok, Slovakia
Equipment and performance: Condensate treatment plants, 334 m3/h

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WTP Mariánské Lázně - operational instructions

Client: CHEVAK Cheb, a.s., Úpravna vody Mariánské Lázně
Equipment and performance: Water treatment plant – operational instructions

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Slovnaft - Technical evaluation WWTP

Client: Slovnaft, Slovenská republika
Equipment and performance: Slovnaft - Technical evaluation WWTP

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SCP Ružomberok - Technical evaluation of demineralisation plant

Client: SCP Ružomberok, Slovenská republika
Equipment and performance: Technical evaluation of demineralisation plant

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Energetika Chropyně - sludge dewatering system

Client: Energetika Chropyně, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Sludge dewatering system / filter press, 498 kgTS(45%)/a

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Úpravna vody Mariánské Lázně - Reconstruction of chemical dosing station

Client: CHEVAK Cheb, a.s., Úpravna vody Mariánské Lázně
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of chemical dosing station, 430 m3/h...

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Energetika Chropyně - Waste water handling

Client: Energetika Chropyně, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Waste water handling, 2 438 m3/month

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Energetika Chropyně - sludge dewatering system

Client: Energetika Chropyně, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Sludge dewatering system / filter press

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TOT - Chemical dosing station

Client: Teplárna Otrokovice, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Chemical dosing station, 13 l/h

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Tp Plzeň - Reconstruction of "Dukla" sand filter

Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of "Dukla" sand filter

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