
Tp Brno - Reconstruction of 2 pcs. of sand filters

Client: Teplárny Brno, a.s., Brno
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of 2 pcs. of sand filters, 2 x 80 m3/h

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Tp Plzeň - Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. – potable water plant technological part

Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s., Plzeň
Equipment and performance: Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. – potable water plant technological part, 200 m3/h...

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Energetika Chropyně - rekonstrukce CHÚV pro parní výtopnu

Client: Energetika Chropyně, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of CWTP for steam plant / reconstruction work of filtration station, 2 x 30 m3/h...

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Tp Plzeň - storage tanks of HCl

Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Storage tanks of HCl / storages tanks of HCl (rubberized steel), 3 x 30 m3

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SKANSKA - Drinking water for Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s.

Client: SKANSKA CZ, a.s. / Final client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Drinking water for Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. – civil part

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BOHEMIAPLAN - Coal mine water treatment plant – Březno

Client: BOHEMIAPLAN, s.r.o., Plzeň / Final client: Severočeské doly a.s.
Equipment and performance: Coal mine water treatment plant – Březno / - capacity extension of PS 04 - filtration, 288 m3/h

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ČEZ - ELE - Replacement of Horizontal sand filters for small cooling and cooling towers

Client: ČEZ, a.s., Elektrárna Ledvice
Equipment and performance: Replacement of Horizontal sand filters for small cooling and cooling towers...

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United Energy - Reconstruction of Chemical water treatment plant

Client: United Energy, a.s., Most - Komořany
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of Chemical water treatment plant / clarification, 120 m3/h...

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Doprastav, Slovakia - WWTP Trenčín – technological part

Client: DOPRASTAV, a.s. / Final client: město Trenčín
Zařízení a výkon: WWTP Trenčín – technological part, 30 000 PE / pump station of CSO / mechanical treatment...

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KALORA - ČEZ - ETU - Sludge extraction and utilization of waste water

Client: KALORA, a.s. / Final client: ČEZ, a.s., Elektrárna Tušimice
Equipment and performance: Sludge extraction and utilization of waste water for PS 4.16 / mixing centre adjustment work, 150 m3/h

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