Alpiq Kladno - Renovation of lower drainage
Client: Alpiq Generation CZ, s.r.o., Kladno
Equipment and performance: Renovation of lower drainage / filter average 2500 mm / capacity - 200 m3/h

Tp Tábor - Mixed-bed filter
Client: Teplárna Tábor, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Mixed-bed filter - capacity 80 m3/h

Tp Plzeň - Demineralization station No.6
Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s., Plzeň
Equipment and performance: Demineralization station No.6, capacity 130 m3/h

CUTISIN, Jilemnice - Reconstruction of WWTP Jilemnice
Client: CUTISIN, s.r.o., Jilemnice
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of WWTP Jilemnice - 30 000 EP / mechanical pre-treatment / biological WWTP...

Cutisin Jilemnice - Reconstruction of WWTP Jilemnice
Client: Cutisin, s.r.o., Jilemnice
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of WWTP Jilemnice - 30 000 EP / mechanical pre-treatment / biological WWTP...

Tp Plzeň - Waste water treatment plant (dredging station)
Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s., Plzeň
Equipment and performance: Waste water treatment plant (dredging station) / separating tank / chemical dosing station...

Krušovice - Sand replacement
Client: Královský pivovar Krušovice a.s.
Equipment and performance: Sand replacement

Muridke - spare parts
Client: Sapphire Eletctric, Muridke
Equipment and performance: Spare parts

Muridke 234 MW CCPP
Client: ČKD Export, a.s., Praha
Equipment and performance: delivery of pumps, exchanger and tanks / filtration of cooling water and water for RO - 425 m3/h...

Tp Plzeň - Repair of filter straining drainage, Extend of clarification water filtration
Client: Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s., Plzeň
Equipment and performance: Repair of filter straining drainage / average of filter 2500 mm / Extend of clarification water filtration...