
Potable water treatment plant - Tagtabazar, Turkmenistan

Client: Eagle Property Investment L.P.
Equipment and performance: Potable water treatment plant, 625 m3/h...

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Filtration Package Unit, RNP DCU Plant Project, Pančevo, Serbia

Client: NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad
Equipment and performance: Filtration package Unit, 150 m3/h...

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ArcerorMittal Ostrava.JPG

Sand filtration - ArcelorMittal, Ostrava, Czech Republic

Client: ArcelorMittal, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of sand filtration of cooling water, 2 400 m3/h...

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Reconstruction of sand filters - Synthesia, Pardubice - Semtín, Czech Republic

Client: Synthesia, a.s.
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction of sand filters, 5 x 70 m3/h...

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Demineralization station, Mondi Štětí, Czech Republic

Client: Mondi Štětí, a. s. 
Equipment and performance: Demineralization station, 3 x 250 m3/h...

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WWTP Karaj

Client: Jyane Construction Company, Teheran
Equipment and performance: WWTP Karaj

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PP Chvaletice

Client: Královopolská RIA, a.s., Brno
Equipment and performance: Extension of condensate treatment Plant 2 x 500 m3/h...

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Modernisation of the process water treatment plant at the Prunéřov power station

Client: ČEZ, a.s., Praha, Elektrárna Prunéřov
Equipment and performance: Clarification unit and dosing of chemicals - 150 m3/h / Filtration unit (sand filters, pumps, blowers)...

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Reconstruction and modernization of DWTP Plzeň

Customer: Metrostav, a.s., Praha
Equipment and performance: Reconstruction and modernization of DWTP Plzeň, 3 600 m3/h...

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DWTP Souš – flotation

Client: Severočeská vodárenská společnost a.s., Teplice
Equipment and performance: DWTP Souš – flotation, 774 m3/h...

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